HD 164595 star with Orbiting planet: Signal detected.


HD 164595 (G-type star) with  HD 164595 b (orbiting planet).  Where the apparent signal has originated from. (From CNN.com All credit due)

One should be mindful of extreme skepticism which can lead to a complete dismissal, without properly investigating, a perfect example of this was the Tabby’s Star ( KIC 8462852) over-hyped dismal in relation to the drop in illumination over an extended period of time.  With all natural possibilities at this point in time abandoned, Tabby’s Star is still an outright mystery.   Investigating a possible abnormality that is not naturally occurring should be a continuous project with all data to be studied and analyzed.   Of course this does occur, but within the current hysteria and backlash politics in our modern interconnected world and social/new media paradigm.  One side, in real-time, reacts against the other without much thought, in this case; it would be the aliens are trying to contact us ‘crowd’ i.e conspiracy theorist, who want it to be an ET signal – believing everything is a cover up.  The skeptics, and rightly so, need more evidence.  With the Extraterrestrial hypothesis last on the list.  In the middle, from a speculative perspective, a rash dynamic can occur from both sides.

So what have got?    Nothing concrete as such, but a re-run of the famous “Wow” signal that was received in 1977.  Since re-looking at possible reasons (natural) of that famous radio signal.  The space-junk and comet theory have been dismissed.  It still remains a mystery.

Now we have a new mysterious signal:

From New Scientist :

Jumping to conclusions?

Although it’s fun to speculate, it’s far more likely that the signal isn’t an extraterrestrial beacon at all, but actually earthly interference. Radio telescopes have been known to pick up rogue signals – everything from flushing toilets to cell phones. Just last year, astronomers at the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia traced a mysterious type of radio signal to two on-site microwave ovens.

“In SETI part of the problem is that you have a civilisation that is producing signals that can mess you up all the time – and that civilisation is called humanity,” Shostak says.

So before astronomers jump to any conclusion, they’re attempting to detect the signal again. Last night, the SETI Institute used the Allen Telescope Array in northern California to track the star. They saw nothing, but will observe again tonight.

That lack of detection doesn’t close the book on an extraterrestrial civilisation just yet. “You can’t say because you didn’t find something that there’s nothing there,” Shostak says. “Say Captain Cook sailed around all day in the South Pacific and he didn’t find any new islands. That doesn’t prove that there are no new islands, it just proves that he didn’t find any that day.”

A civilisation might also try to send signals at multiple frequencies, says Douglas Vakoch, the president of METI International, a group that wants to send messages to ET as well as detect their signals. Perhaps last night, they simply weren’t broadcasting at the same frequency we initially detected.

“…We can speculate as much as we want about whether there’s intelligence out there in the cosmos, but unless we find something interesting and do a rigorous follow-up, we’ll never know.”

Also please note my ebook Nireus (Amazon) written in 2015, where a fictional signal came from exoplanet HD40307g

Further study of locale exoplanets their stars refer:



Proxima Centauri: Earth like planet found



(Image from the Public Domain.)

I wouldn’t get too excited, Red Dwarf stars cook off atmospheres, if the orbiting planets are tidal locked such as this new exoplanet discovery  (‘close by’ to our Solar System)  which is most likely tidal locked to it’s host star.  The chances for advanced life are very slim. The distance at 2o% the speed of light (Breakthrough Starshot  small interstellar probes) would equate to 20 years + to reach the star and it’s planet.  For conventional spaceflight, depending on an almost unlimited amount of combustion fuel it would take 80,000 yrs to reach the binary stars.  All the while Space is an inhospitable and deadly environment for life (high frequency electromagnetic radiation), so  apart from the constant gamma ray bombard – any object moving at a higher percentage within the speed of light will be decimated by cosmic dust and micro meteorites.

Please refer to my Story Novus Stella  from the book Paradox of the Locus in relation to Space and it’s indifference to biological life.

From Space.com

“Astronomers have discovered a roughly Earth-size alien world around Proxima Centauri, which lies just 4.2 light-years from our own solar system. What’s even more exciting, study team members said, is that the planet, known as Proxima b, circles in the star’s “habitable zone” — the range of distances at which liquid water could be stable on a world’s surface.

“We hope these findings inspire future generations to keep looking beyond the stars,” lead author Guillem Anglada-Escude, a physics and astronomy lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, said in a statement.”The search for life on Proxima b comes next.”

“Babson’s Sphere” (Adrian Glass)


(“Babson’s Sphere”  33 1/2 x 24” Framed enhanced photographic image printed on Museo Silver Rag – 300gsm)

In homage to Roger Babson’s essay “Gravity- Our Enemy No. 1,” after witnessing the death of his sister as she drowned, reflecting on the tragedy with his quote “She was unable to fight gravity, which came up and seized her like a dragon and brought her to the bottom.”  He would then create The Gravity Research Foundation, an organisation that would seek to fight against gravity as a hindrance and it’s threat to humanity.   From a scientific perspective, the Universe and/or natural systems are indifferent to human beings, not hostile.  In that being said a philosophical point of view could also express that what we deem as Nature and it’s Universal presence is the ultimate enemy of humankind.

Dimension Eleven catalogue is available for download (PDF): dimension-eleven


A mysterious object in our Solar System: It’s orbit around the Sun is messed up.



(Image above from Daily Mail.  All credit due.  Niku’s odd orbit and tilted transit backward around the Sun)

As the Universe begins to resonate it’s mysteries and oddities, beyond what we currently know about astrophysics, the excitement of Tabby’s Star takes center stage.  After a quick draw debunking of Tabby’s Star as anything unusual, it has only resurfaced as a complete mystery with the alien mega structure hypotheses (I  personally don’t believe in the Dyson Sphere explanation) being the last on the list of possible answers, in the meantime no other natural phenomenon matches the bizarreness.  Stars, like our Sun, do not dramatically  dip in light.  It is what we would define as an unnatural occurrence.

In the meantime a new mystery, a recently discovered object called Niku, probably a malformed dwarf planet, is orbiting around the sun the opposite way.  That is strange.

From Business Insider:

The object is about 160,000 times fainter than Neptune, suggesting that it could be less than 120 miles in diameter. That makes the icy celestial body a minor planet, which means it’s smaller than a planet but not quite a comet.

Here’s where things get weird.

Niku orbits the solar system at a bizarre angle: a plane tilted 110 degrees to the flat plane of the solar system. This flat plane of the solar system — a disk in which planets move around the sun — is a defining quality of a planetary system.

But Niku, already moving above the plane, travels a little further upward every day.

And unlike the other law-abiding objects in the solar system, Niku travels against the flow of the bulk of the solar system, taking a wild backwards swing around the sun.

Objects that don’t move within the plane of the solar system or spin in the opposite direction must have been shoved off course by something else or tugged by the gravity of another object.

“It suggests that there’s more going on in the outer solar system than we’re fully aware of,” Matthew Holman at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, part of the team that discovered Niku, told New Scientist, where we first saw the story.”

Barbara Gongini: Copenhagen Fashion Week – 2017



(Images from: http://www.copenhagenfashionweek.com )

Within the confines of current Avant-Garde fashion and the narrow spectrum of black or white (achromatic) with it’s various shades of gray.  There are limitations.  Since the pallet has been set inclusively from Black, the designer then has to push the boundaries with his/her designs.  That also includes presentation on the runway.  Barbara Gongini certainly is carving her own niche with her clothes, but it’s not pretty, she is looking for evocation, reaction.  An almost anti-fashion aesthetic, which in some ways is what avant garde fashion is, a rebellious selling point against the rigidity of industry establishment.  Which has to be respected, this is the evolution of style, it also sets a precedence for pushing newer looks and designs.   Gongini is most likely ahead of the pack, due to such distinctness and originality.

Accessories, in my  opinion, are essential in completing cutting edge clothes, in-which she works  oversized ‘gothic’ necklaces into her 2017 collection.  The models with their living dead/zombie makeup, would appear to represent the weak human vessel – the decayed biological shell, with the clothes becoming the ascendancy.  This could be why she has broken down the model aesthetics to a sickly look.  As mentioned, it is probably a commentary on human fragility.  Yet her clothes hold superiority.  A risky, yet admirable approach in selling an overall style.

Quote/s: Lebbeus Woods


(Image from Lebbeus Woods War and Architecture (1996) from http://sangbleumagazine.com/2014/07/15/scars/ All credit due.)

“I’ve always been interested in the idea of the artificial landscape. Reforming the landscape. Architecture being a method of reforming the earth’s surface. We reshape the earth’s surface, from architecture to paving streets, to parking lots and buildings that are really reforming the surface of the earth. Reforming nature, taking over what we find. And we’re mushing it around and remaking a new earth – or, what we used to call Terra Nova.”

Cold War 2 (update 9)


(Vietnam’s missile defense system bought from Israel.  Now in position South China Sea.  Image from DefenseDaily.com)

Despite the fact that the new cold-war is more akin to Jean Baudrillard concept of the hyper-real, a televised and almost simulated detachment from reality of one of the most alarming geopolitical events (South China Sea tensions) since the missile Cuban Crisis in 1962.  It is ‘new media’ interconnection and detachment of the real that becomes the norm, until the harshness of reality hits.  In the meantime the hyper-reality of the cold war maintains it’s proliferation.

From Reuters

“Vietnam has discreetly fortified several of its islands in the disputed South China Sea with new mobile rocket launchers capable of striking China’s runways and military installations across the vital trade route, according to Western officials. 

Diplomats and military officers told Reuters that intelligence shows Hanoi has shipped the launchers from the Vietnamese mainland into position on five bases in the Spratly islands in recent months, a move likely to raise tensions with Beijing.”

Next step would be Chinese blockade of merchant ships going into Vietnam and Philippines.

A.Glass updates and insight (83)


  • Title and cover art for my new book is now complete, however it won’t be disclosed till late August 2016.  The book will be out in September 2016.  In the meantime my last book  Paradox of The Locus is still available.
  • New art will be framed in a week or so, large print measuring over A1.  The test print can be seen here.  Once framed it will be added to the Dimension11 Catalogue

Chiasmus will be updated regularly with reviews (mostly fashion), commentary and various writings from time to time.